I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!! As is per usual these days, we spent our weekend lounging around my aunts pool and it was GLOOOORIOUS. My mom also took Emma for the night Saturday evening, so I was able to stay late at my aunts house and play our dominos game. Then I had alllll day Sunday to sleep in, get things around the house done, and actually enjoy my babalicious Isabelle!
Instead of joining in on one of my favorite blog carnivals/meme/alliteration days (not sure what we call it if you couldn't tell) Miscellaneous Monday
{You should totally go check
Carissa out she always keeps you entertained over there, and join in on the miscellaneous!}
...I will be thanking some of my fabulous bloggy friends for awards they sent my way!!
The first award comes from the fabulous Shelley @
Hand in Hand! She is great and is in the process of buying an adorable house to share with her husband and precious Jexi furbaby!
The rules to this are to hand the award out..so I am handing this out to ALL of my wonderful bloggy friends!
And I a required to answer these VERY random questions!
1. What would your perfect day consist of? This is a tough one for sure, because there are so many people I love spending my days with. And then, maybe I would love to have a day COMPLETELY alone. I will have to go with a day that consisted of sitting on a pool chair around a luxurious pool on vacation with the husband and whomever else, but not having to think about feeding a baby or watching a baby jump in and out of the pool!
2. Walking in the woods in wellies or walking barefoot on the beach? ABSOLUTELY barefoot on the beach!! Don't even own wellies.
3. Have you ever hugged or sang to a tree? No, definitely not the tree hugging or singing type! These questions are very interesting...
4. Do you believe in fairies? What is this question...haha I am going to have a guest question answerer on this one...Emma says "yah!"
5. What hobbies are you working on? Staying sane, haha...and finishing our basement remodel project.
The rules for this award are:
1. Thank the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 10 things about yourself.
3. Pass this along to bloggers you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.
10 Things about ME:
1. I was a cheerleader in high school and helped coach my high school team last fall. Working with high school girls is definitely interesting!
2. I was in the Gamma Phi Beta, Epsilon Eta chapter at Bridgewater State College!
3. Since I've been a sister I have been assistant New Member Educator, New Member Educator, Education Vice President, President, Education advisor, New Member Education advisor, and now starting in August I will be the chapter advisor! See its not four years, its for life!
4. I married a man I met in 8th grade, but we didn't speak until about 10 years later.
5. We were granted with a surprise in 2008 and it was int he form of our darling Emma!
6. We moved in with my parents for a year, so we could find the right house for our growing family.
7. We moved into our current house at the end of September 2009 (3 weeks before Emma's first birthday).
8. We were married 6 weeks after I gave birth to Emma and planned the entire thing in 2 weeks!!
9. We had our second bundle of joy, Isabelle, June 1st of this year and it has been one crazy ride ever since!
10. Now we are just trying to figure out how to make it through each and every day.
I would like to pass this along to all of my lovely bloggers, so go out there and find some new bloggers to honor!